LAW #3


The third law from Robert Greene's "The 48 Laws of Power" is: "Conceal Your Intentions."

This law revolves around the concept of strategic deception. Greene advises that you should not reveal your true intentions, desires, or plans to others too easily. Instead, you should keep your goals and motives hidden from view, at least until you've secured a position of power or strength.

By concealing your intentions, you gain a tactical advantage. Others won't be able to anticipate your moves or take actions to thwart your plans. Greene argues that when you openly express your ambitions or desires, you become vulnerable to manipulation, jealousy, and interference from those who may perceive you as a threat or competitor.

The idea is not to be completely opaque or dishonest but to be selective in what you reveal and to use strategic ambiguity to your advantage. When the time is right, you can then unveil your true intentions and take control of the situation, catching others off guard and putting yourself in a more influential position.

In essence, the third law of power underscores the importance of discretion, careful planning, and the strategic use of information to maximize your ability to influence and succeed in various circumstances.